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Quadient Listed as a Leading, Global Customer Communications Management Provider by Celent

Quadient, a leader in helping businesses create meaningful customer connections through digital and physical channels, announced today that Celent has listed Quadient as a leading global provider of customer communications management (CCM) in its report, “Customer Communications Management Systems, A Vendor Spectrum.” Celent is a research and advisory firm that helps financial institutions formulate comprehensive business and technology strategies. The recently published report is designed to help retail banks understand CCM because many of them have neglected these systems while pursuing digital customer experience improvements, according to Celent.

“Quadient understands the operational and cultural debt in becoming a digital bank more than most CCM vendors,” said Bob Meara, senior analyst and co-author of the report. ”While other providers are rebranding to remain relevant in a digital customer experience world, Quadient is busy continuing to modernize its platform.”

Celent found the Quadient Inspire customer experience management platform distinctive in at least three ways:

Quadient’s InspireXpress technology. InspireXpress applies artificial intelligence, machine learning and natural language processing to accelerate digital transformation by 50% or more. According to Celent’s report, client testimonials support significant cost savings and faster time-to-market due to InspireXpress.
Customer Journey Mapping. Quadient’s native Customer Journey Mapping capability allows for the optimization of the customer experience.
Customer-centric design tools. Quadient Inspire’s document design tool allows for simultaneous document rendering across all customer interaction mechanisms.

“As Celent makes clear in their report, consumers today don’t make a distinction between communication channels; rather they expect an integrated experience when engaging with retail banks that span the physical and digital worlds,” said Andrew Stevens, principal, banking and financial services, Quadient. “Legacy CCM systems were deployed before omnichannel banking existed, and that’s why we are making it easy to migrate to a modern CCM environment where banks not only deliver omnichannel communications but optimize the customer experience through customer journey mapping.”

A complimentary version of the Celent report with information on Quadient is available here: download Celent report.

See the original article here.

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